Santa Clarita Partnership Dispute Resolution Services
Over 25 Years of Experience in Los Angeles Business Law
It is disheartening, to say the least, when your business aspirations, goals and dreams are impacted or abruptly stopped due to a dispute with your business partner(s) that appears to be impossible to resolve. Partnerships are relationships, and as such, require definite agreements in order to avoid misunderstandings or violations when it comes to the health of your business. If you are involved in a partnership dispute, it is advised that you consult with a knowledgeable Santa Clarita business attorney for counsel. Poole Shaffery has extensive experience successfully representing clients whose businesses are involved in partnership disputes, business dissolutions, licensing disputes, and other business law matters.
Speak with us in an initial consultation to hear your legal options. Poole Shaffery has office locations in Santa Clarita, Los Angeles, Paso Robles, Orange County, and San Diego.
Understanding Common Types of Partnership Disputes
Sometimes partnerships have been forged between friends who have mutually created a company. Due to their friendship, they forego the "formalities" of drawing up a contract that irons out the various areas of responsibility assigned to each, financial matters, company policies, and more. There can also be personality clashes that weren't necessarily apparent at the formation of the business but came to the surface later, resulting in too much friction to comfortably work together.
Another common scenario is where business partners do have a business agreement, but it is not comprehensive enough. Too many details were left out. These could include items such as clearly defining each partner's roles, how the finances would be handled, details of each partner's initial contribution to the business, what the procedure would be to bring on new partners, salaries, the manner of distributing profits, and much more.
It is quite often very beneficial to involve professional, skilled and effective legal assistance to bring about a practical and mutually agreed-upon resolution. Contact our Los Angeles firm as soon as possible to learn how we can help you. We have local offices in Southern and Northern California.
Our team has decades of experience counseling businesses through disputes and protecting our clients' interests for companies in LA County and beyond. Call the office nearest you!